Friday 23 October 2015

Marriages: why they should be banned.

CCO 103

Critical Readings 

 Group Based Assignment

My group’s video is about why we believe banning all marriages are beneficial to our personal life and on a larger scale, our modern society.

Legalisation of Gay Marriages
Recently in the United States, the Supreme Court legalised same-sex marriages in some states. This has led to a vast and overwhelming mix of reaction from the populace, some supporting the new law, others outright rejecting it. However, our group proposes that all marriages should be banned in our current society, including same-sex marriages.

The ugly truth
Firstly, marriage is redundant as romance soon dies after marriage. After marriage in a modern society, the couple would be working to pay off their debts. Thus, they would be spending less time with each other and gradually lose the spark they once had. According to a survey by the Daily Mail, close to 3000 married couples polled that they had lost their flame in the relationship (Reporter, 2010). When this happens, marriage often ends with a divorce. This is because most couples tend to have the misconception that they would naturally get along together after the marriage but instead, they have little clue about the problems with co-habitation.

Mundane sex life
Secondly, there are restrictions one face when one gets married. Financial burdens such as honeymoon and the wedding are taxing on the couple and debts once owned by a single party are now shared. The couple also faces social restrictions as they concentrate on their new lives and neglect their social lives. Furthermore, with the advent of marriage, they would have a mundane sex life as they would only have one sexual partner to relieve sexual tensions with, as compared to the numerous partners one would have whilst single.

Unfair advantages given to married couples
Thirdly, there are numerous inequalities surrounding singles. Married couples get unfair advantages in housing and other government grants. This unjust discrimination would not be prevalent if not for marriage and its “benefits”. It should not matter whether a person is married to be given advantages and grants.

Loss of business opportunities
Lastly, if marriage is banned, the country will inevitably prosper. When couples marry they would miss out on potential business opportunities due to a lack of social networking. If there were only singles in society, there would be no loss of business opportunities which would lead to income in the country, thus leading to a boost in economy.

Why restrict yourself?
To conclude, the above benefits would severely outweigh the disadvantages of marriage. The banning of all marriages would not only bring about the individualistic freedom we once had, but change how we view ourselves and to a larger extent, how society views the hushed taboo about sex with multiple partners. Sex should be celebrated, not kept behind closed doors. 


Reporter, D. M. (2010, October 26). Forget the seven-year itch - a marriage goes stale after ten  years and 11 months. Retrieved from Daily Mail: year-itch-myth--marriage-goes-stale-years-11-months.html

Reflection on the Assignment

The group-based assignment we were tasked to complete was both educational and gratifying. The entire process of filming the video was efficiently executed as we managed to plan the outline and shoot our required scenes in the span of merely 2 hours. However, the shooting of our hand-drawn presentation backdrops were slightly more tedious.  Our group was agreeable in the general direction in which we wanted the project to head to. We were struck with the idea of producing hand-drawn screens instead of the regular presentation and we felt this was a creative method in presenting our ideas. I believe our video stood out from the rest of the pack due to this quality.

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