Friday 14 August 2015

Ngee Ann Product Desgn and Development

Previously, in my final year of study at Ngee Ann Polytechnic pursuing my diploma in LBFM (Leisure and Business Facilities Management), two other friends and I were tasked with a tremendous responsibility of a PDD Project, which stands for Product Design and Development. We had to come up with a problem and the solution to that problem, and we worked hard at it for close to two full years.

Foreign Banks
For the first part of the project, we decided to look at the factors affecting foreign banks in their decisions to open a new branch location. This was due to the high influx of foreign banks in Singapore, and hopefully advise them in making a well-informed decision in opening a branch. This would then make a difference in the Singapore economy as consumers would have more branches for convenience and the banks themselves would not be losing profit.

Various Restaurants
Using this as a base platform, with the knowledge that we have gained, we decided to run with the formula and apply it to restaurants and the FnB industry. In the same way that have done with banks, we applied the same concept to helping a few restaurants, namely Brotzeit and Nando's to find a potential branch location.

When I look back upon the two years of toiling at this project, I realize I have been editing and writing most of the project,a s I felt more comfortable handling the language aspects, coming from a background of language proficiency.

Hence, for future projects, I hope to take up the reins and contribute in other aspects rather than solely the editing of a project.

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